Music Exec
“Blessings and power to everyone I am Pastor Mo aka The StreetSweeper , they call me StreetSweeper because I work to clean the sometimes violent nasty mean streets of Detroit.
I come to bare witness on behalf of our great brother Courtney Benjamin and his company. I consider myself to be a great man and king on the board of life, I have knowledge of life, street power & clout as a former kingpin, political power as a activist, spiritual power as a Pastor, charisma, swagger and verbal skills as a rapper and honor as a husband & father that takes care of family first. But the one that has made me complete that I was lacking was something I received from my brother Courtney thru his company Benjamin Ent Group.
It was the knowledge and the jewelry on the keys of correctly setting up, professionally operating and legally maintaining my independent record label and Publishing Company God Mafia Records and Ink-N-wood publishing. Courtney Benjamin set me up early to be in position to acquire great wealth, prestige tide to generational wealth for my children’s children. One of the best things I ever did was humble myself to except the fact that tho I may have been great in other areas of my life and great as a rap artist however I was ignorant about the business side of hip hop and there was a whole entity of the knowledge and principles help I needed to achieve my dream of being a Independent Record Label. “